'RECKON INDUSTRIES' had a very humble beginning in the late showers of 2015, with the passion and commitment to deliver the top of line 'AGEING' machine for textile printing process industry, whether it is convention screen rotary or Digital printing.
'RECKON INDUSTRIES' has always believed and can foresee the upcoming trends and need of hour, which has helped 'RECKON INDUSTRIES' grow itself at global level within such a short time.
'RECKON INDUSTRIES' believes that always strives to give products which are robust and requires minimum human interference unless and until absolutely necessary. We are team of young, enthusiastic and passionate people trusting at the core that, 'Head counts don't matter, Till you have brain counts in your team.' This is the reason that we are able to deliver top notch quality of machine in shortest of turnaround time and same is the case with our aftersales services.

'RECKON INDUSTRIES' always take s care of its aftersales service department, not only in its own premises but also where the machine is installed. We always try to make machine which are maintenance free or with negligible maintenance, which can be handled easily by in house maintenance team of client.
'RECKON INDUSTRIES' has the active, enthusiastic team of engineers that can service or guide the maintenance team to resolve any query or problem on phone in case it arises.
'RECKON INDUSTRIES' products are technologically well advanced of its time and as data acquisition is becoming more and more important and requirement. Our team is constantly upgrading the machine to provide the maximum data output to further help the consumer reduce their operating cost and improving functionality.
We welcome you as patron to join the journey of 'RECKON INDUSTRIES' which opens the door of opportunities and possibilities.
Thank you.